5 more tips to the guys

1. We don't always expect roses and candles all the time. Same as we don't make fucking dinner every night for you to come home to. Girls like a little bit of a bad guy...not Romeo every day. Get over yourselves, we're not the ladiesin the movies, we don't want rose petals and bath water running every night after work. We're just saying a little romance is always fun.

2. We read Cosmo. Get over it. We don't knock your sports illustrated.

3. We do not use Cosmo as a sex bible. It's funny to read about other women's mistakes in bed. Again, we read it. Get over it. Obviously if you're with a woman and during sex she whips out Cosmo for help, you clearly need to find a new sex partner.

4. Don't fucking touch our heads during a blowjob. We don't give a fuck why your pushing it or how hard. Keep your hands off of the head, unless you're holding up our hair. If she isn't doing it right, speak up. What if you were down on us and we grabbed you by the hair and shoved your face into our fucking vagina? You would suffocate. Same as we choke. There are other clues, buddy.

5. Missonary is boring. Don't be afraid to rip us up and flip us over. We want to be handeled rough, but we just think you're having a great time doing what you're doing so we don't stop you.

(Btw, inte jag som skriver dem här! Tycker bara dem är så jävla passande. hahaha)


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