5 tips to the guys...

1. Thinking that we always assume you have a hard on. We know that you can't flip a switch and get it up just because we say so, but we wish it could. We know it takes a little work, so don't think we're so naive.

2. Yah yah we like passionate kisses. Don't engulf our face with your lips in a fit of passion. We get it, your excited. Just please act a little less like an animal. That is, unless we're roleplaying.

3. Don't snooze when we're all wound up. YOU KNOW we get wound up, it's not our fault you busted before we did. An eye for an eye. Now get down there. Don't worry, we'll tell you what we want and how we want it. We don't care if you're tired.

4. WE DO expect you to cuddle, get over it. Just wait till we pass out and you can roll over and do whatever you want. At least try to throw an arm over us, it's comforting.

5. You think we want to fall asleep in your arms? That shit IS uncomfortable after awhile. Let us snuggle up next to you, and don't put your arm out unless you want us to fall asleep there. Your fault if you do it, we think you want us to.

Keep up, there will be more... ^^


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